Tuesday, 12 January 2016

(Don't) Go West! (Part 2)


Carrying on from my last post...

 In September 2015 i had hit rock bottom (again). I had finished my well over-due course of steriods and i was just taking a couple Mezavant pills a day and iron tablets to sort out my on-going anemia.

Although i was feeling crap all the time, i thought my colitis was sort of under control; i hadn't had much pain and to be honest i was trying to not think about it if anything, especially as i was starting back at school and was actually looking forward to trying to have a normal school year and attempting to do really well in my A2 exams.

I had a check-up appointment with my consultant at Basildon Hospital where i told him even though i didnt feel 100% it was definietly an improvement from before, however, when i told him i was still sufereing from mild tummy pains and consistent blood he told me "you have no choice but to go BACK on steriods as if i don't i WILL be in hopsital for a third time this year, as my body was still suffering and the Mezvant wasn't going to hold out much longer."
As you can imagine i was distrought by this comment, i broke down and told him i couldnt bear another steriods course, espeically as i was already told i wouldnt be allowed a third steriod course as it would be too dangerous- my immune system was already next to non-existent and i just couldnt cope with more depression, anxiety and weight gain.

He told me the only other option before surgery would be to take a new drug called Azathioprine. Another immune-surpressant that has a list as long as my arm of side effects which included Limphoma and skin cancer- whilst taking i wouldnt be allowed in sun light hardly at all.
I came away with my prescription and i was reluctant to start the course (which could have me on it for the next 3-5 years, with only a small chance of it actually putting me into remission.)

I felt like i had no other choice unless i went through with an ileostomy which would leave me with a bag for 7 months- something i couldn't bear the thought of during my 18th year with a girls summer holiday booked where i would have to stay in the shade, not drink and have a bag hanging off my body. It wasn't an option.

After taking the Azathioprine for 12 weeks i experienced NO change whatsoever, if anything it made things worse, but i wont go into too many grim details!

Azathiprine surpressed my immune system so much more that i was getting severe colds and tonsilitus out breaks almost every other week, which the antibiotics for upset my tummy and i would have more time off school- so much for getting my head down at school and getting good grades! 

 Long story short, i was suffering, a lot. Again.

One day in late November i was crying on the sofa to my mum, hardly able to talk with such swollen tonsils asking her is there anything else i can try instead without having the surgery.

This is when things got interesting...

At the beginning of the year whilst researching alternative medicines to help to put me into remission we came across Doctor Mazin Al-Khafaji, a leading doctor in Chinese Medicine who has a clinic in Brighton. We visited him in March and with his upmost faith in being able to put me into a long-term remission from his years of experience in helping people with the same condition as me, i started a course of chinese medicine where i noticed changes very quickly. However, as i was admitted back into hopsital with dehydration in March, i was unable to continue the course and sort of forgot about it for 6 months.

I said to my mum "please can i try the chinese medicine again, it is my only hope now?"

With a lot of talking and discussing whether we should go down this expensive, yet possibly life-changing route, my mum took me back to Doctor Mazin where i told him all about what had been going on since i last saw him. When i told him i was on Azathioprine he shook his head and told me this is not the way to go and he has had patients in the same positions that had suffered terrible, almost fatal side effects from this drug and i could tell (though he couldn't legally tell me to stop the prescription) that it wasn't going to help me.

He took my hand and told me this can all be a thing of the past if i just take a 3 month course with his medicine, that he has a 90% sucess rate and cannot stand seeing me in so much pain any longer.

So, since December i have been taking Chinese herbal drinks, tablets and other things that he prescribed me. I chose to stop the Azathioprine once and for all.

I have never felt better.

My immune system is almost up and running again. I havent had a tummy ache in weeks nor have i bled or felt weak and suffered depressing mood swings or feelings. I have been told by my friends and family that i am back to my normal self; bubbly, happy and full of energy, and i really do feel it. I have been eating what i want, doing what i want, and not worrying about the consequences!

I have been keeping in contact with Doctor Mazin as he is one of the most supportive, positive and passionate people i have ever met and i trust him now with my well-being and life entirely.

Of course i am not cured, we all know there isnt a cure, but i feel as if i'm getting into a remission and i am so glad i thought of contacting him again, i don't know where i would be now if i hadn't.

I know Chinese medicine is a controversial topic, and not everyone has success with it, or just doesn't believe in it enough to try it but i swear i am i different person since i have been taking it.
I would strongly suggest anyone suffering with Ulcerative Colitis to look into alternative medicines, because sometimes Western medicine just doesnt get it right, and i hate to read online about others suffering and going through the mill with all this NHS prescribed stuff that at the end of the day is likely to just result in surgery. IT IS NOT ALWAYS THE ANSWER. Do research and realise the potential of these other methods.

I will continue to do my 3 month course with Doctor Mazin and am so positive that when my course is over in a month or so's time that i will be in a full remission i can put 2015 behind me. 

If you have any questions please ask me, i feel i have to spread the word about this as i mean it when i say that Western medicine isn't always the be all and end all to this horrible condition.

Thanks for reading! 
Joelle xoxo

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